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I'm Software & Computer Engineer.

Hello! I'm Dámilólá, a Software & Computer Engineer based in Ibadan, SW, Nigeria. I’m very passionate about the work that I do.

What I Do?

I am a Software Engineer with over 4 years of experience specializing in PHP and JavaScript. Throughout my career, I have developed and maintained backend solutions for a diverse range of industries, including fintech, mediatech, e-commerce, logistics, and ride-hailing. My expertise lies in creating robust and scalable applications for startups and established businesses, delivering innovative tech solutions that drive success.

  • Server-Side Dev. and Database Mgmt.

    85 %
  • API Dev. and Integration

    90 %
  • Performance Optimization and Security

    75 %
  • Deployment and Collaboration

    90 %
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    Server-Side Development and Database Management

    Develop and maintain server-side logic using various programming languages. Design, manage, and optimize databases for efficient data storage and retrieval.

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    API Development and Integration

    Create and maintain RESTful APIs to enable client-server communication. Integrate third-party services and external APIs into the application.

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    Performance Optimization and Security

    Monitor and optimize application performance for speed and efficiency. Implement security best practices to protect the application and ensure data privacy.

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    Deployment and Collaboration

    Automate deployment processes and manage server infrastructure. Collaborate with frontend developers and other team members using version control and code reviews

Latest Projects

Check out some of my latest projects with creative ideas.

See All Projects
  • NPM Library


    This TypeScript library provides functions for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), including generating MFA authentication keys, tokens, verifying tokens, and generating Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) URIs.

    View Repo Library Link
    Web Design
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If you like what you see, let's work together.

I bring rapid solutions to make the life of my clients easier. Have any questions? Reach out to me from this contact form and I will get back to you shortly.